An overview of what Settings you can change to optimize Seona's code changes for your business!
Choose how Seona applies the code changes it recommends. The application change is made instantly to your website.
Automatically applied
Seona will automatically apply the code changes to your website. This is done in real-time, and only works if Seona is connected properly to your site (see your connection status under Settings -> Business).
Note: Code changes are applied live when your website loads for visitors or when crawled by search engines, and not directly in the source code of your website.
Not automatically applied
Seona will not apply code changes to your website, even if your website is connected.
Automatically refresh code changes
This setting toggles if Seona will refresh code changes every week for pages that Seona detect have altered page content.
If turned on, Seona will check to see if any of the pages that have been crawled have been modified since the last time it's been crawled (the previous week). If Seona detects a change in page content, it will re-crawl the page and recommend new code changes, wiping previous changes (as well as any edits made). This setting is off by default, but is helpful if you want Seona to adapt it's suggestions if you frequently edit your website content.
Regenerate Code Changes
You have the option to regenerate the code changes on your site. Regenerating code changes will erase all existing modifications made by Seona. This action should only be taken if you believe there is an error with the current code changes on your site.
Note: It's crucial to proceed with extreme caution when using this feature. Exercise careful consideration before regenerating code changes to avoid unintended consequences.