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Adwin FAQ's

Commonly asked Adwin-related questions

Updated over a week ago

Here are some general FAQs about Adwin!

Why is my Adwin account not spending the entirety of my budget?

In short, not enough people in the location you have specified are searching for your keywords. If you want to spend more of your budget and get more traffic to your site, consider:

  1. Increasing the location your ads are targeting to the largest area your business can serve.

  2. Adding keywords to expand the search terms that people can use to find your business.

Will Adwin interfere with other ads I am running?

No, it will not! Adwin creates a separate campaign in your Google Ads account, just as if you created it yourself. Therefore, it won't interfere with any other ad campaigns you are running.

What is the relationship between Adwin and Google?

Adwin is an official Google Partner!

Does Adwin work with all Google accounts?

Adwin works with all Google business accounts, but it cannot connect to manager accounts. If you attempt to connect a manager account, Adwin will stop you during the linking process and ask you to connect a business account.

Does Adwin work in all languages?

Adwin supports ads worldwide in multiple languages. However, our AI initially generates ads only in English. You will need to edit your ads after setting up your Adwin account to display them in a non-English language.

Can I have multiple Adwin subscriptions under one account?

You sure can! Just click the account email in the top right corner on your Adwin dashboard and select “Add Business.”

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